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In a remarkable partnership with Mowasalat, the foremost state transport service provider in Qatar and operator of the country's largest taxi fleet, we assumed the pivotal role of transforming their social media presence and content strategy.

As the agency on record, we collaborated closely with Mowasalat's internal communications team to lay the foundation for a comprehensive, long-term brand strategy while simultaneously setting immediate, executable objectives. This transformative journey involved a strategic pivot towards user-centric content that shed light on the company's core employees and unveiled the inner workings of the organization, promoting transparency and building a deeper connection with their audience.

The impact of our partnership was swift and profound. In just the first month of our ongoing contract, which commenced in November 2022, Mowasalat experienced a staggering 67% surge in brand engagement across multiple social media platforms. Furthermore, their follower base expanded by an impressive 240%, marking a remarkable leap compared to the preceding period.

This case study stands as a testament to the collaborative efforts between Mowasalat and us, showcasing how our expertise and strategic approach can drive exponential growth in brand engagement and audience reach.
