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Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra

Redefining brand identity and communication




Qatar Foundation



QPO QF website


Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra, a celebrated name in the Arab world, was looking to establish a fresh brand identity to position it amongst the best orchestras in the world. The orchestra, conceptualized to promote Western and Arabic music, wanted a unique personality for the brand through creativity and communication that appealed to and inspired their audience involving children and adults. They also wanted to drive ticket purchase.

To achieve this, Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra partnered with etc., who studied the brand requirements, challenges, and aspirations, and set out to design a new identity that focused on the orchestra's mission - democratizing access to great music.

Desktop Mock Up


1. A strategic approach was taken to define Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra as a driver of symphonic music in the Arab region. This was achieved by creating a rich and visually appealing website that would attract and engage like-minded audiences.

2. The communication strategy involved developing easy-to-navigate, well-branded pages having clear and consistent visuals and information about musicians and industry stalwarts associated with Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra.

3.The website redesign included a modern, minimalist design that was responsive and user-friendly. The new website showcased upcoming shows and events, introduced the musicians, and shared the orchestra's story. The website was also designed to be easily navigable, with clear calls to action to drive ticket sales with an integrated payment gateway

Mobile Mock Up


The new website was a resounding success, generating increased traffic and ticket sales. The redesign helped establish a fresh brand identity for Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra, and the communication strategy helped build a strong connection with the audience. The website's new design and user-friendly interface improved the overall customer experience, making it easier for audiences to buy tickets and engage with the orchestra.
